Small church. Big community.

Ladies Book Club

Meeting: 5pm on the 2nd Thursday each month

Dinner: We have dinner - usually a salad bar, dessert, and beverages supplied by the book club members - and talk about the book

Book: Our next book is “Same Kind of Different as Me” by Ron Hall

Contacts: Miyuki Holste, Robin Mau, and Caryn Ruud


Joy-full Life.

Joy is a multi-generational church, and much of our community life focuses on ways to connect all members of our community. Adults and children worship together in our Sunday service. Special mid-week services during Advent and Lent feature a community supper beforehand. Plus, we have several church-wide fellowship opportunities such as BBQs, participating in service events and even camping.

We do also have small group ministry to support one another as we “do life” together. We have a young families ministry for those with little ones up to 5th grade. Our middle and high schoolers can participate in youth group. We have two weekly adult Bible studies and a ladies book club that meets monthly.

There are many opportunities to be involved according to your talents and interests. Do you like to sing? Teach? Work with little ones? Sew? Play an instrument? Work outdoors? At Joy, we welcome new members and encourage you to make connections. If you have questions about any of our fellowship opportunities, please contact us.